将应用设置为白名单后,在专注界面点击应用图标打开应用,专注仍然会继续计时不会中断。如果直接退回桌面打开应用,或者通过多应用管理界面切换应用,专注仍然会在 20 秒后失败。
- 在点击白名单的应用图标打开应用,离开 OffScreen 之后,OffScreen 无法再监控应用使用情况,我们会假设你在回到 OffScreen 之前一直在使用这个应用(比如小明在专注白名单打开微信读书专注读书五分钟后打开王者荣耀玩了二十分钟游戏,最后回到 OffScreen,我们会认为这二十五分钟都在使用微信读书)。
- 通过 OffScreen 打开其他应用,需要应用支持 URL Scheme,并不是所有应用都支持这种打开方式。因此有些应用无法添加至白名单。
What is Whitelist?
After you add an app to whitelist, you can open it during focus sessions without interupt focus timer by clicking the app icon list in the whitelist area. if you open another app by launch it from home or switch to another app use the multi-task view, the focus session will be failed after 20 seconds.
However, the Whitelist feature has many constraints because of the iOS system limitations:
- After you open an app by tap the app icon in the whitelist area, OffScreen can't monitor the phone usage anymore. We will assume you stick to this app until comes back to OffScreen.
- Launch another app from OffScreen requires the other app implements URL Scheme features, not all app supports URL Scheme, hence, some app can't be added to the whitelist.
So we recommend use whitelist features only when it's really needed. During the focus session, every time you have to open another app, launch it from the whitelist.
只有当应用能直接被 OffScreen 打开时,才能将它添加到白名单。通过 OffScreen 打开其他应用,需要应用支持 URL Scheme,且 OffScreen 知道应用的 URL Scheme 是什么。
我们已经有大部分常用应用的 URL Scheme,如果遇到无法添加某个应用的情况,你可以点击提示中的「我需要使用」,我们会收集到你的反馈并尝试收集这个应用的 URL Scheme。
Why I can't add some app to the whitelist?
When an app can be launched by OffScreen, you can add it to the whitelist, otherwise, you can't. Launch app from OffScreen requires the app to implement the URL scheme feature, and OffScreen knows what is its URL scheme.
We already collected many frequently used app's URL scheme, if you failed to add an app to the whitelist, you can click 'I Really Need It' in the alert, we will receive your message and try to collect the URL scheme of that app as soon as possible.
Why nothing happens after I click the icon in whitelist?
Please make sure that you have this app installed on your phone, or the added app is the corrected app. You can try to remove this app from your whitelist and add it back then try again.